How to Make Your Own Minimalist Garden at Home

 Who Say for makes a beautiful garden in our homes should be done by the Garden Maker experts or ordinary we know as a Landscapeer,? If you are a lot of money it does not matter if you use their services, because with money everything can be arranged, but if your money or budget is mediocre, kepengen have a minimalist garden and look modern in your empty home page with cheap price or cost . Oooo No problem, let's Learn How to Create Your Own Minimalist Garden at Home!

Before you try Learning to Create Your Own Minimalist Garden at Home , let's look at one of the tutorial videos that contain examples of minimalist garden design and steps - steps how to make it for a narrow home page to make it look spacious and beautiful. Have a good time watching.

Before you get started, you should know a variety of objects - modern decoration objects and minimalist style to beautify your garden including various types of beautiful garden lights you can see examples - for example online , more details can you --->  CLICK IN HERE 


Designing a beautiful garden that was very easy, just in need of imagination that is customized to your taste, as well as information and examples - enough examples of how to make it. Essentially to create a minimalist garden, the use of grass is very necessary for the park seemed cool. You can also reinforce the park with a cloistered path or use a pebble or floor made of natural stone. The presence of natural elements that you enter will make a minimalist garden in your home will look more alive.
hari Minggu adalah hari libur yang ditunggu-tunggu. Hari Minggu biasanya dipakai untuk acara bersama keluarga dan hangout bersama keluarga. Tapi sebagian lain, menghabiskan waktu di rumah, tak kemana-mana. Nah, tak ada salahnya bila kita menyalurkan hobi, misalnya berkebun atau membuat t

Selengkapnya :
Hari Minggu biasanya dipakai untuk acara bersama keluarga dan hangout bersama keluarga. Tapi sebagian lain, menghabiskan waktu di rumah, tak kemana-mana. Nah, tak ada salahnya bila kita menyalurkan hobi, misalnya berkebun atau membuat taman sendiri di rumah. 

Selengkapnya :

One way to bring beauty in our home environment is by presenting a garden at home. But some people are still confused how to make a garden around his house. In presenting the garden at home of course there are some things that must be considered, including the area or land, the layout of the park, theme or concept of the park to be presented, the type of plant and drainage or drains. The following will explain how to create a beautiful garden based on these things.

First, Consider the Area of ​​the Land You Have

The wide area is the first and important thing to note when you want to create a garden. The area will affect the theme of the park and the selection of plant species. If you have a large area, you can put lots of plants and decorations like garden lights in your garden. 

The advantage if you have a large area is to make the park as a play area for children or a family gathering is very fun. You can create the concept of outdoor living room and outdoor dining room if you have a large area. You can put lounge chairs, dining tables and chairs as well as swings.

But if you only have a narrow area, you do not have to worry to create a garden around your home. Although the area you have narrow, you can still create a minimalist garden. The simplest way to beautify your small garden is to put some small plants in the area that will be used as a garden. You are not recommended to put a lot of plants in your small garden, because it can make your garden becomes crowded. So it's best for those of you who have small land, choose plants - small plants only. Better yet, if you grow vegetables by using stacking pipes. In addition to beautify the garden, vegetables can also be consumed by you and your family.

Second, Notice the Layout of the Garden You Want

The layout of the garden around the house is very dependent on the area of ​​the remaining area around your house. If the remaining land you have is on the side, then make a park next to the house, but if the remaining land is in front or behind, then make a garden in front or behind the house. 
Most home gardens are placed in the front of the house, but some are putting the garden at the back and side of the house. In addition, the park is placed on the second floor or the roof of a house into a trend today. Park in the house or commonly referred to as indoor garden can also beautify the interior of your home. In addition to beautify the interior of the house, can also give freshness to the eyes.

Third, Choose a Garden Theme That Meets Theme Home

The theme park should be adapted to the design theme of the house that the homeowner wants to present. The thing to consider to determine the theme of your home garden is the area that will be used as a garden. If the available land is limited, can use a modern minimalist theme or a minimalist theme only. Usually park on a narrow land using hanging plants or plants grown on beautiful pipes.

Some of the theme parks include classic parks, modern parks, traditional gardens, tropical-style gardens, minimalist gardens and others. Basically all theme parks can actually be applied in large area or small, but to be considered is the layout and type of plants to be used. By paying attention to these two things, the theme of the park to your liking will be easy to apply around your home.

Fourth, Good Plant Selection

The selection of plants to decorate your home garden becomes something that should not be forgotten. Selection of this plant becomes important, because this plant that will decorate your home garden. What are you tired of thinking about the theme, the land and the layout if you do not have a picture of which crop selection will fill your yard.
When you buy plants you should adjust the area that you have that will make your garden. Do not buy too many plants, if you have a small area. Before going to the crop shop, you can make a list of the plants you like and then buy them. Healthy and useful plants can be an option for your garden. You can combine flowers and vegetables to fill your garden. So you do not get bored if you just see the flowers in your yard, vegetables can be something interesting, different and useful in your garden.

Fifth, Watch Drainage Or Drainage

Water channels are also important to create a garden. The function of drainage is to regulate and absorb excess water so that water does not stagnate. If the water absorption system is good, then the plants in the garden will grow well and fertile. A good soil condition for plant growth is a normal condition. If the soil is too dry, then the soil lacks the nutrients so that the plant is difficult to flourish. While ika garden is too wet and burst when stepped on, it will cause the roots of plants quickly rot.

Here are examples of Minimalist Garden Creations in front of the house The function of the garden in front of the house not only to give the beauty and coolness but as a place of water absorption in your home So this should not be underestimated , in building a shelter you should leave a little land to build a small garden , can be in front of the house , side of the house , on various sides of the available open space .

Creation of a small garden in front of a minimalist home will give a beautiful impression , not arid and hot In contrast to homes that do not have a garden will look very arid and the atmosphere of the home environment was hot when the sun is quite hot So although the park with a small size but very important role in the appearance of a house Actually make a garden should not be in front of the house alone , you can make behind the house , side of the house or in the middle But for a minimalist home size ,Making the park in front of the house becomes mandatory as it will give a more lively impression on the minimalist house 

You can create your own little garden creations in the modern minimalist home For example by planting a leafy tree You can use a small plant so it does not take place and you adjust with a minimalist home By planting a tree in front of the house , then your house will look shady In addition to the shade of your home-sized minimalist will look more assertive than to plant the type of flowers You can use fruit plants in pots (tabulampot) such as mango fruit trees ,Sawo , kelengkeng or can use palm-paleman plant 

For the creation of a small garden in front of a minimalist house should be planted with grasses to look more green You can use grass type according to your taste For example using Japanese grass In addition to using grass you can also use natural stone to beautify the small garden in the minimalist house Because natural stone will give a natural impression You can set the natural stone around the park or simply set on the edge of the park only .

Beautiful Garden Not Forever Must Be Expensive, Here's How to create a Garden with cheap prices by developing elements of creative ideas from the second - old things around us, the way of making we can learn the following: 

Each park sometimes requires a little refresher . If you have no idea how to refresh your garden we have amazing ideas for you . That way you will save money , also in the same time you will have a beautiful decoration that will make Your garden is a unique place to relax .

Actually everyone can make a garden but of course before you make a garden there are some things you must understand especially from the type of ornamental plants that will be planted in the park area where the actual services of landscape professionals have divided the types of ornamental plants that are planted in the park area back into sub sub categories, please see the illustration of the drawing below.

How to make a garden

Before you continue we hope you understand first about the type of ornamental plants that will be planted in the park area, because at the beginning of planting crops in the garden area we have to choose the type of ornamental plants first
How to make a garden

Media in Need to create a Cheap Park.

  • fertile soil
  • Agricultural materials such as hoes, spades, etc.
  • decorative plants
1. Why should we use fertile soil?
because basically to make a good garden needs a fertile soil from it try to use this fertile planting media in because at the beginning of the garden we will use the planting medium as the base material of the garden which fertile land is very low against the level of decay
2. agricultural equipment such as skop, etc. is needed in this because in making the park is not much different from farming where weeds must be thrown together with roots, debris or brangkal must be throw away because it is impossible if we include debris in the park area unless the debris In use as a means of water absorption, but to make water infiltration in the park area should require additional material from it we will not discuss further about the water absorption in the park
How to make a school park
3. ornamental plants that you use in the park area should be adjusted with the concept
4. Determine the budget to create a garden which in the discussion of budget make the park we mean is to calculate the volume of ornamental plant needs in the park area.
Let's get started making our Very Cheap Minimalist Park
The first step we have to remove all the weeds and debris that is in the park area
Step 2 if it is clean enough please sprinkle the ground on it with a thickness of min 10 cm in other words 1 truck 5 cubic: 10cm = 50m2, simperh 1 truck can be used for 50m2
How to make a home garden

Notice the Garden Contours You Will Shape

Step 3 we will make the contour of the park and what is the contour of the park? If you do not understand the contours of the park please visit the link of understanding the contour of the park or you can read the brief on this page, the contour of the park is a mound of land in bentung by following the park concept in use in the garden area where the form can use archetype Round, oval, and sickle

how to create a garden contour

How to make the contour of the garden is very simple you live a pile of soil in a certain area where the garden contour should be set the size and height EXAMPLE eg suppose you will create a garden contour in the corner near the window where you want to create contours with a height of 50cm with a width of 200cm2 in other words The land needed to make the contour is 1kubik

Steps to create a garden contour

Stack the soil in the area that you have set and then step on the mound of the soil to be solid that needs to be known is if you want to make contour of the contour of the park must be really sturdy sturdy we mean the contour of the park is not easy to deer if in terpa water or in Plants, to create a strong garden contour you must create a garden contour with a high degree of density one way is to press the contour of the park by way of 
stepping on
How to make a garden

Establish the contour of the park in question is one of the processes where if a field or a mound of planting that is created still do not have a pattern of that pattern you must make after the process of the mound that the ground you have created
The first simple step kikislah part of the land that you want to scrape its function as the formation of contours of the example if you want a triangular contour shape but the shape of the initial contour is still round you just to erase it slowly.
How to make a garden

If the contour of the garden is damaged after the erosion you stay patching again the soil above it remember until it repeat solidly when the garden contour is damaged this way apply if the contour of the park has not been planted small plants

How to plant plants on Artificial garden

If perceived contours of plants and soil has been completed in your living planting plants and trees what plants should be first planted
  • The first plant you have to plant is this big tree so that the little plants are not stepped on
  • The same way you live make a hole with a hoe in accordance with the root size of the tree FOREIGN: root tree diameter 50cm2 you live for waves with a width of 70cm2. WHY. Because the remaining 20cm2 we will give organic fertilizer and allows us to enter the root of the tree into the lombang
  • The next step you live to plant the type of plant you have chosen under the tree that has been planted
  • Make a group of plants that will be planted in this grouping section is important because it will determine the aesthetic value of the plants you make
  • Suppose you choose the type of plant puring in the area do not mix in stir with other types of plants
  • Try to plant the type of plant start from the highest plant and start planting from behind this in because so that other types of plants are not stepped on.

If all your plants have been planted neatly then you live grass planting, I suggest for those of you who begin to buy the grass plate in karenakan if you grow grass in tandur must have to special ahlian
  • If lengpeng grass is available you just plant it 
  • Save the grass and pukut with hard tools or the like simply assume the slab of the grass as a house kramik save one by one the grass plate neatly
  • Then the last one on the grass hard with the beam, do not worry it is the way in which to plant grass function so that the land that is carried by the grass and the land that is in the park area together

Plants That Are Suitable for Minimalist Park

What kind of plants are used for a minimalist garden?
There are several types of trees and plants that are often used by gardeners to create a minimalist garden concept
  • Yellow cut
  • Mirten
  • Lantana
  • Palm cycads
  • Bamboo palm
  • Red buds
  • Maranta bali
  • Bamboo palm
  • Yellow palm
  • Kamboja bali
  • Palm cycads

Simulation of Cost Calculation Create a Cheap Minimalist Park

Let's calculate together the cost of making a minimalist garden, we will try to discuss the cost of making the park with 100m2 area so that more easily understood by you.
If the seeds of ornamental plants you have determined we will begin to calculate how much the needs of ornamental plant seeds will be planted on the concept of a minimalist garden with an area of ​​100m2
The garden area that will be planted on a minimalist garden concept requires ornamental plant seeds 50% of the total area of ​​the garden that means the needs of the plant from the area 100m2: 50% = 50m2, in other words the area to be planted ornamental plant seeds is 50m2, why volume plants that are planted in the area of ​​minimalist garden more, this is because the space that is provided is smaller than the other garden concept where the dominance of ornamental plants should be more in priority because of the cultivation factor aesthetics of home building will be maintained kewibawaannya
How to calculate the volume of small plants
  • We must know first the size of the diameter of the plant is usually the diameter of the ornamental plant is 16 to 17 cm with 25x25 polybag size. in other words the requirement per1 m2 plant is 16cm: 100m2 = 6.25 plant seeds to make it easier than the number 6.25 we apply to 6 seeds of ornamental plants so simple is 6 seeds of plants X6 plant seeds = 36 ornamental plants per 1m2 seed
  • If the number needs 1m2 meter 36 plant seed X 50m2 = 1800 plant seeds for the needs of 50m2
  • So the total seeds of small ornamental plants that will be in use for the area of ​​minimalist garden concept with a total area of ​​100m2 is 1800 plant seeds
Here is a simple formula
  • Total area 100m2: 50% = 50m2
  • Needs per1m2 36 plant seeds
  • Needs per 50m2 1800 plant seeds
  •  Total area 100m2 requirement of plant seeds 1800
  •  100m2: 50% = 50m2 x36 seedlings = 1800 plant seeds (100cm: 16 = 6.25 which is seeded into 6 plant seeds for 1 meter long, so 6x6 = 36 plant seeds for 1m2
  • 36 plant seeds X 50m2 for garden area = 1800 plant seedlings for garden area 100m2
Total plant seedlings in need is 1800 seeds of ornamental plants for the area that will be planted on the concept of a minimalist garden
After the seeds of small ornamental plants have been calculated we will count large plants or trees I will use the example of squirrel palm trees, to calculate the needs of trees in a garden area with an area of ​​100m2: 50% = 50m2 which will be planted with trees, actually to count trees difficult. Because that will be calculated is the distance of planting, usually the service of the garden maker will plant squirrel sap palm tree with a distance of 4m2 1 tree so to calculate it only use 50s division = 4 = 12.5 trees (or will be set to 12 trees) example: 50m2 : 4meter planting distance = 12.5 squirrel squirrel palm tree that we can set up to 12 trees.
Total trees to be planted are 12 trees

Total all ornamental plant seedlings and trees that will be planted in a minimalist garden area with an area of ​​100m2 is 1812 ornamental plant seeds

The last one is to calculate the need for grass
Grass that will be planted on the concept of a minimalist garden with a 100m2 area is 50m2 because of the 50m2 we have used for ornamental plant seeds
Count small crop prices 1800 seeds X ... =
count of tree price 12 trees x .... =

Good luck 

Checking the Latest Price and Specifications of Gardening Equipment Can You ---->

This article is summarized from various sources

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