December 2016

many people to waste her site for the park and make it into a narrow house, here I have a solution of this house will keep go green and elegant

minimalist house 4 floor

minimalist house 3 floor , just need small siteplan

its 5 floor home, with rest area on top (y)

3 floor elegant house

3 floor home with garden on top

3 floor home . elegant house

green house in corner street

3 floor with green tree in right an left side. very fresh house

Elegant house and unique

3 floor house with garden on top, very go green

1 single floor house , with carport

this house can help us to go green

Clear house but still elegan

3 floor house with elegan design

I want have this house <3

Maybe just it some advice from me on this occasion, if you prefer, you can renovate your home. it only took a few nails, wood and concrete :D see you later on next post

The kitchen literally means a place, usually in the house, where someone doing an activity process and provide food or food ingredient. Such activity is called with cooking. But, there are many people who dont know a feature that they must have to make they life easier . here i have some ideas for your kitchen to make your life easier .. let's check it out

Trash can inside your drawer. so , a fly will not near with your rubbish

you dont have a place for your pan ? need some hanger but there is no place again ? no problem. you can put it in your cupboard

a drawer usually in edge of cupboard. but, it's drawer in corner. Really amazing idea. I Love this idea

need a separator between the tools kitchen tools? this is the solution

need more place for pan ? maybe this idea can help you

utilize space efficiently as possible

i love this idea. i never thinked do this idea <3

more some electric plug ? you need to do this at your own kitchen

Really great idea

i wanna do this at my own kitchen <3

Refrigerator inside your cupboard ? is it an amazing idea ?

Need some table but you dont have some place ? tell your husband and do this at your kitchen ..:D

Circle rack for your pan ? isn't it a great job ?

what do you think ? quickly grab a hammer and nails, and immediately remodeling your kitchen to be more efficient and unique, so you can show off to your neighbors and in-laws :D

oke.. see you on next post :)
if you have a question you can ask me, in comment colomn below :)

falling book concept ? it's amazing idea :D

industrial concept, that's okay

i know you can make this bookshelf

i want this bookshelf and view's to ><

Amazing idea for decorating your library

Amazing bookshelf, is it look like snow ? 

it is amazing concept for your house, if you have a big stair

is it a great concept ?

you love song, but love reading to ? no problem. just try this concept for your lovely home :D

tree concept for bookshelf. amazing idea ..

i LOVE this bookshelf <3

A cup of coffe for bookshelf ? isn't it a nice idea ?

its a perfect concept for your house if you have a big glass. just need some nail and wood.

i know you can make it by yours :D

an abstract concept , but it still amazing

you have big stair ? but need bookshelf ? just try this amazing idea for your house :D i love this idea

I love all this concept, maybe someday i wanna make 1 from all that concept :D what do you think ?

oke.. see you on next post :)

living room, serves as a place to receive guests. This room can also accommodate other functions in accordance with the needs of the occupants activity, such as for meetings or banquets. Usually this space is located in an area that is easily accessed by the guest / outsider. In general, the living room is in the front of the building.

I have many idea for your living room, here we go :)

what do you think ? What do you want to decorate your living room now?
See you next time on next post :)

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